“I wonder if the snow loves the trees and fields, that it kisses them so gently? And then it covers them up snug, you know, with a white quilt; and perhaps it says, "Go to sleep, darlings, till the summer comes again.”
― Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

"Christmas snow can never disappear completely. It sometimes goes away for almost a year at a time and takes the form of spring and summer rain. But you can bet your boots that when a good, jolly December wind kisses it, it will turn into Christmas snow all over again." — Santa Claus from Frosty the Snowman

“Snow was falling, so much like stars, filling the dark trees that one could easily imagine, its reason for being was nothing more than prettiness.”
― Mary Oliver

"Snowflakes are one of nature's most fragile things, but just look what they can do when they stick together.” — Vesta M. Kelly

“Snow flurries began to fall and they swirled around people's legs like house cats. It was magical, this snow globe world.”
― Sarah Addison Allen, The Sugar Queen

"Even the strongest blizzards start with a single snowflake.” — Sara Raasch

“…there’s just something beautiful about walking on snow that nobody else has walked on.”
― Carol Rifka Brunt, Tell the Wolves I'm Home

“the fragrance of pine resin is frankincense poured out—a balm of stars and snow and moonlit nights”
― John J Geddes

"Oh the weather outside is frightful, but the fire is so delightful. And since we’ve no place to go, Let it snow! Let it snow! Let it snow!" — Sammy Cahn

"Despite all I have seen and experienced, I still get the same simple thrill out of glimpsing a tiny patch of snow." — Edmund Hillary

"Snowflakes are kisses from heaven." — Unknown

"Even if you took it as cascading snowy mountains, it was not a cool snow-white. The cold of the snow and it’s warm colour made a kind of music.” —Yasunari Kawabata

"I remember being excited about seeing snow for the very first time.” —Thi Bui

"It is the life of the crystal, the architect of the flake, the fire of the frost, the soul of the sunbeam. This crisp winter air is full of it." — John Burnside

"Snow is…a beautiful reminder of life and all its quirks. It makes me pause. Think. Stay still. Even my mind takes the hint. It makes me feel giddy. Like a kid." —R.B. O’Brien

"Snow brings a special quality with it—the power to stop life as you know it dead in its tracks.” — Nancy Hatch Woodward

"The sky was clear, the stars hung high overhead, and the moon was just a sliver, rather than a full moon, so that it proved to be significantly dark out. However, the coating of snow upon the ground looked bright in the moonlight.” —Danielle Renee Wallace
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